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DogTraining101 have always supported dog rescue charities and have been the driving force behind the creation of DHM Dogs. Their trainers help rehabilitate dogs in need.


With your help, we can do more!


DHM Dogs step in to provide free accommodation to animals to allow their owners time and space to get back on their feet, ensuring they don’t have to surrender their pets. Our trainers are on hand to provide intensive rehabilitation for abused dogs.

Our Face book page  DHM Dogs helps us to stay connected, people can like the page and keep up to date. 


Volunteers are critical to our success, to help both in the construction of the facility and in raising money to support it. This facility will be on the same land as Dogtraining101 Rehabilitation facility, managed by DHM Dogs committee. Having this support ensures our funds go directly to helping the animals and a greater ability to provide shelter.

We work directly with Homeless Organisations, Domestic Violence and advocates for Mental Health to assist people in caring for their pets, so if you can assist, we need you.

DHM Dogs is a registered Charity organisation and Dogtraining101 commits half of their business to us, Graham and his team are 100% committed, are passionate about what we do and provide the trainers to ensure we have the best possible outcomes to ensure pets in need are able to return to their owners confident, happy and healthy.

DHM Dogs is endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) from 29 Sep 2020
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