Our New Home Plush Range. This soft mink faux fur fabric. We imported this from overseas as it was Unique. Other types will become available as we source them. It has a blissfully soft, smooth and rich texture. This high quality fabric is extremely warm as well, and adds a comfortable feel to any outfit The Mats have a canvas backing so they can go on any surface.
Plush Training Mat
Notable Features
• Waterproof. Mold & Mildew Resistant.
• Maximum Durability. Rated For Daily, High Volume Use.HOW TO CLEAN YOUR MAT
For easy care and maintenance of your Mat:
Brush off all loose dirt with a soft bristle brush.
Evenly spray on a cleaning solution (can be simply water or a brand trusted soap).
Gently and evenly scrub with a soft bristle brush.
Allow cleaning solution (after it is brushed around) to sit and eliminate all dirt and marks.
Rinse thoroughly until all the soap residue is gone.
Allow for fabric to air dry.